5 Quick Tips to feel better now!

1. Laugh!

man in red jumper laughing sitting in front of turquoise wall

Think of something that always make you smile, a fave joke, a funny film, a stand up comedian. YouTube is full of clips that you can quickly access. Laughing releases positive brain chemicals and lifts your mood, long after it’s finished.

2. Help someone else

Small acts of kindness to others are proven to help us feel better. It doesn’t have to be something big, just a little support or help to cheer or lift someone, will do YOU the world of good too!

3. Dream!

white sandy beach with turquoise sea and blue sky

Let yourself dream about your ideal holiday, or day. Perhaps remembering a special good time from your past or imagining a perfect happy time. Daydream – the more vivid the better. It lifts your mood as if you were experiencing it now!

4. Get fresh air

Either open a window, or go outside. Take some deep breaths and look at the sky. Watch the clouds moving. Focusing outside yourself on the greater world takes you out of your mind for a while. A few calm slow breaths will help too…

5. List what you love

It doesn’t matter what, as long as you love it. Could be waterfalls, egg and chips, football, hummingbirds, music, lakes, golf… anything at all that you love. You can’t help but feel a lift from it! And they’re all free!