PTSD or, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, is a series of symptoms that arise from a traumatic event. Historically it was thought to be suffered only by war veterans (originally known as shell shock since WWI).  Now it’s recognised as common for people who have experienced physical, emotional or sexual abuse or trauma, as a child or adult. PTSD and trauma are also very common in people who had a parent with addiction or alcohol issues. 

Very frequently PTSD goes undiagnosed.  Partners of sufferers often think they can fix this with patience and understanding, and while those qualities are very much needed, unfortunately they don’t provide a cure.

The symptoms of PTSD often consist of:

clear blue sky and beach
  • Intrusive flashbacks (reliving a scene)
  • Nightmares or recurrent bad dreams, disordered sleep
  • Anxiety disorders resulting in chronic physical pain, teeth grinding etc
  • Persistent stress and tension
  • Inability to concentrate, memory issues
  • Over reacting to situations with seemingly little control
  • Inability to relax the mind and the body
  • Inability to concentrate, memory issues
  • Sudden outbursts of rage or temper

How hypnotherapy helps trauma & PTSD

Hypnotherapy gives a clear understanding of how the mind works which is really useful for people with PTSD. It enables you to get a better understanding of what is happening in your brain and how you can work with that constructively.

Hypnotherapy is primarily a relaxing experience, which is valuable in itself for people with PTSD. The use of a daily bedtime recording which I provide, encourages the brain to function more effectively and provides a valuable daily window of relaxation. Hypnotherapy works on the subconscious mind, which is where the triggers and issues are, thus making it most effective for PTSD.

As the Wellness Institute website states; “Because hypnotherapy is primarily a method for accessing and treating the subconscious, it’s perfect for PTSD and countless other issues that originate in some type of trigger or locked away memory.”

The treatment begins with the initial consultation, when we look at how the brain works and how we can create the change you want. The number of sessions needed will depend on each individual and their condition, progress rate, and commitment to change. But you will always be in control of how many sessions you have.  Generally people find 8-12 sessions is most effective but everyone varies.

BWRT psychotherapy for PTSD

I am also trained in BWRT (Brain Working Recursive Therapy) which is usually able to treat single event PTSD in one session. BWRT works differently from hypnotherapy and is able to retrain the brain not to focus on the specific event. This is not suitable for long term traumas, like childhood abuse, or years in combat situations. Those ‘longer term experience’ PTSD conditions benefit from hypnotherapy as described here. If the PTSD is caused by having witnessed a single event or situation – anything from a moment to a few hours – the BWRT approach would be the quickest treatment.

Session details

tree alone

Sessions cost £60 each and last 45-55 minutes each.  It is important that you engage fully with the process to get maximum benefit from it.  Contact me to discuss your needs or book your first session to get change happening for you.


I am completely and utterly transformed by Hypnotherapy Helps. I had PTSD and trauma.  My weekly sessions were ‘My Time’ to get everything off my chest and then totally relax and unwind. Using the tools Julie gave me I was able to focus on myself for a change. I always left in a euphoric state. I felt amazing.

Let me say, you won’t find any better than Julie at Hypnotherapy Helps. She is very calm and understanding, non judgmental and honest. I really loved seeing her, she lifted me up at every session. I could go on all day about how fantastic she is. She is a credit to the profession and I’m talking first hand experience. I think I might have monthly top up session as I can’t bare to leave completely. Why don’t you Go For It! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  LAYLA

I was in a bit of a hole – with not sleeping, anxiety and a few other issues from my past. I had tried everything including the doctors, but nothing seemed to work.

My wife wanted me to try hypnotherapy and although I wasn’t sure I am so glad I did. I am a different person! I would highly recommend Julie, she is a five star lady! STUART