What causes stress and anxiety?

Modern life is very stressful, as we’re often trying to achieve so many things at the same time. We’re keeping up with work, home, friends, children, managing money etc. Understandably sometimes this causes us more stress than we can really cope with, and  stress often tips over into anxiety.  Then anxiety takes over and leaves us feeling powerless, inadequate, fraught and unhappy. 

Some people express anxiety as over-thinking, worry, nerves, panic attacks and catastrophising.  The good news is we don’t have to ‘put up with it’ any longer – current neurological research provides alternative ways of beating anxiety and stress and getting control back.

Common symptoms of anxiety and stress;

  • feeling irritable,
  • tense,                                                           
  • tight chest,
  • butterflies in stomach,
  • poor sleep,
  • impatience
  • and often headaches/migraines,
  • panic attacks.
st austell cornwall

These symptoms have a powerful negative impact on your whole life.  There are also less common symptoms of anxiety. Some people turn to prescription medications but with little or no success.  At best they are only a ‘sticking plaster’ and are likely to involve side effects.  Many people ‘self-medicate‘ with alcohol or drugs. They’re also not very effective risk addiction and dependency – creating another problem. But there is an alternative – a drug free way of getting control of your mind and your life again. Hypnotherapy is a REAL long term solution if you’re ready to take action now please contact me.

Overcome anxiety and stress with Hypnotherapy in St Austell…

Hypnotherapy enables you to break the cycle of worry and negative thinking.  Instead of being reactive to the constant pressures we need to think clearly and calmly, but our natural stress response stops that happening.  When anxious or stressed the brain goes into ‘panic mode’ as it would in a genuine life-threatening situation, so clear thinking is impossible.  Hypnotherapy enables you to get a better understanding of this process, and enables you to take control back.  I will give you tools to use when your stress level is building so you can take action to break the cycle, enabling you to think clearly again.

st austell hypnotherapy

I’m an expert in anxiety and its treatment and have personally enabled many people to achieve lasting freedom from anxiety and panic attacks through hypnotherapy.  My comprehensive, non-drug holistic approach is very successful.  It teaches you a new way of living more calmly, confidently and anxiety-free. 

I teach you how to take control of your mind and anxiety, while re-wiring your brain to function more positively and rationally.  It usually takes 8-12 sessions to achieve a new more relaxed, calmer way of thinking with greater peace of mind.  This varies from person to person of course, depending on how long and how severely they are affected.    

Solution Focused therapy and anxiety

Solution focused hypnotherapy is a very successful technique for helping you to re-programme your mind.  It gets you out of the negative stress cycle and moves you into a more positive place of calmness and control. From my St Austell hypnotherapy clinic, I explain how stress and anxiety are created, why we suffer the way we do and most importantly, what we can do about it.  I would love to hear from you and explain how I can help you break free and experience life how you want to, please contact me today.

What is Health anxiety?

st austell hypnotherapy

Health anxiety is sometimes called illness anxiety disorder or hypochondriasis.  People often wrongly dismiss this as being minor and irrational but it can have a huge impact on peoples daily lives.  People with health anxiety experience a very high level of stress.  They are often preoccupied with the fear they will get seriously ill and are likely to interpret their symptoms as being a sign of something more serious.  One of the difficulties of this condition is that anxiety itself causes physical symptoms like headaches, nausea, tight chest, insomnia etc.  So the more symptoms they experience, the more anxious they become, creating a negative vicious circle. 

How does hypnotherapy help with anxiety?

Hypnotherapy breaks this cycle by helping you understand how your anxiety is being created and giving you tools to break the cycle.  Hypnotherapy works on your subconscious mind to help re-wire your responses to stress. Also by empowering you to understand how anxiety works you are more able to consciously control your thoughts and reactions. Hypnotherapy helps you get back into the more positive rational/logical part of your brain.  This enables you put symptoms into perspective and focus on other more positive areas of your life.

Session details

Sessions take 45-55 minutes and cost £60 each. I practice in St Austell and by telephone call and video call. Contact me by email or telephone call to discuss your needs and whether this is the right treatment for you, free of charge.


st austell hypnotherapy

Absolutely amazing results with Julie l needed help with anxiety after an illness and she was not only very professional but so caring. My husband is so pleased to have his wife back as he remembers me. I have no hesitation recommending Julie, thank you so much for all your help. PAT 

Julie is truly so lovely and makes you feel at ease instantly.  It was worth every penny and I’ve come away feeling so much calmer and more in control of things.  I can’t recommend Julie enough. CHLOE

Julie is fantastic. Can’t rate her help highly enough. I have tried many different things and my last resort was hypnotherapy. Julie has literally changed my life. I feel like a different person. You cannot put a price on mental health. I went in with an open mind and it worked! I would advise anyone who is struggling to give it a go. I cannot thank Julie enough for the tools and support she has given me to make me the person I am today. FIONA

Even from the first week I left feeling positive that for once I was going to beat the demons in my head and sort out my anxiety and negative thoughts, and be happier in myself. The way Julie explained how the brain works, and how to change the thoughts, and to retrain the brain were so simple, but also very effective. 

I’ve really noticed a difference in myself, I feel more confident and able to tackle challenges. Even my friends have noticed a difference in the way I hold myself and the way I stand up for myself, to allow myself the time to work things out, but if I can’t, that’s also OK. I can’t thank Julie enough for how she has helped and changed me, to be happier and more confident. TOM 

I cannot believe the difference Julie has made to my life. For the past few years I have been plagued by anxiety, at times so overwhelming I found it hard to function on a day-to-day basis. To say I was slightly sceptical about how much difference hypnotherapy could make to my life would be fair, but I am now recommending hypnotherapy to everyone! I have never felt more in control and able to reduce and manage my own anxiety levels. I recognise the early signs and Julie has given me the skills I need to manage them and prevent myself from escalating into full blown anxiety.

st austell hypnotherapy

From the nightly recording I listen to that helps me sleep, to the one-to-one sessions, the whole service is so personal and special. I am so impressed and amazed at the difference hypnotherapy has made to my life and I highly recommend anyone considering it if they are struggling to manage stress, anxiety or low mood. KAREN

Julie has such a calming and welcoming personality, she really listens to what you have to say and tailors everything around what you want to get out of your hypnotherapy experience. The night recordings are great and I leave every session feeling much better than when I’ve gone in. Julie knows a lot about how the brain works and does a great job of explaining this to you, she is patient, knowledgeable and caring.

If you are sceptical, please don’t be, you even get a free consultation to see if it’s right for you.

I’m now on my 5th session and can see a huge difference in daily life, you have to want to make the changes and work with her.

Thank you Julie. highly recommended. SHANNON

st austell hypnotherapy

I went to see Julie because I had a lot going on in my life which was making me feel overwhelmed, I had difficulty sleeping and I was really worried about the effect it was all going to have on my mental wellbeing.

Julie started by explaining to me how the brain works, I found this to be so fascinating – it made sense to me and therefore I was able to understand what was going on, and able to put things into some sort of perspective. Julie and I identified small and achievable goals that I could work towards over a period of time, doing it this way meant there was no pressure and just a feeling of positivity about what I was achieving.

The outcome of the sessions with Julie meant that my life now had a functional focus, I did not feel so overwhelmed and could see what was working well. As a consequence I feel more in control and I’ve made decisions that have had significant life changes which I’m very happy about. Thank you Julie. MICHELE

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