Make time to value what we have…

posted in: grief, hypnotherapy | 0
yellow and silver biplane wreath on grass

This is the floral tribute we had made for my father who sadly passed in September. It’s of a biplane – because they were his lifelong passion. Losing a parent, even though he was 93yrs – is still a major upset. The lines my brother read at his burial were very moving. He asked on looking back on our time with Dad, whether we had thanked him enough for all the times he was by our side, helping us along, sharing our lives…

So I’d just to like to say my final goodbye and thank you to my Dad for all his love, kindness and generosity. For always making me feel safe and loved. For the many laughs he brought and we shared along the way. As well as the difficult times he helped me through too. Thank you for everything Dad.

old black and white photo of man in 20s sitting on steps smiling
John Escott RIP

I guess we can never say thank you too much. Appreciating people is so very important and this acts as a reminder to keep focused on ALL of the people that ARE in our lives right now. So many people who help us along in some small way, perhaps sharing a joke or an occasional coffee.

It’s not always the closest people to us who we see the most often or rely on the most… So I’m taking this time to remember my wonderful friends and former colleagues and the many people who surround me in every day life, to value and appreciate them a bit more. So I dont find that graveside question so difficult in future…

If you feel you need help to move on or enjoy your life to the full, please contact me and discuss whether hypnotherapy can help you. Hypnotherapy can help us to move forward with our grief, when the time is right.