5 tips to control alcohol

white womans hand handcuffed to glass of scotch
  • Write it down – make an honest note of how much you are really drinking. Include lunchtimes and when you are on your own. So you can see the real truth of the situation and decide if you need to take action. You’ll be able to see where you can cut back a bit too.
  • Use the Drinkaware app, which calculates the units of alcohol in what you are drinking and keeps a record for you. You can set yourself goals like the number of alcohol free days a week. It’s free and easy to use.
  • Alternate alcohol with soft drinks – this is a way of slowing down and reducing your levels of alcohol. Alcohol is damaging to the liver, heart, brain and pancreas so help yourself out by having a bit less.
  • Have a day off! Any alcohol free days are good for the body so give it a try. If you crack and buy alcohol by the end of the day then you know you need to crank up your efforts to get support with it. If you do drink regularly then alternate days is preferable to give your body time to recover a little.
  • Get help! There are various services available including We Are With You which is an organisation specialising in supporting people to overcome alcohol and other addictions, funded by health. Also Alcoholics Anonymous which is a voluntary group offering groups, a 12 step plan and support. Or do your own Google search and see what you can find.
portrait of julie escott, blonde woman with glasses

I offer support to people with alcohol and addiction issues, and enable people to find their own way to take control back. Visit my page to see the reviews and more information. Contact me directly to discuss your needs and how I can help. I never judge and fully understand the challenges alcohol creates. I help you to retrain your brain so you can take control and give you tools to use anytime.