Hypnotherapy for early parenting

So what’s the problem…?

man holding a baby in profile against sunshine

Parenting is a highly stressful experience for many people. After the long months of expectation we’re suddenly given a 100% dependent baby to care for. Regardless of how wanted the child is, it still takes a lot of energy and adapting to learn to cope.

Alongside the practical issues about fitting other things into our lives – family, friends, work – there’s likely to be a lack of sleep to contend with too. Sleep is vital for enabling the brain to function. A prolonged lack of sleep is likely to increase our stress levels. This in turn impairs our ability to cope and be flexible. Regardless of how we want to be coping, a lack of sleep and increased stress levels make everything so much harder.

People often underestimate the huge life change that comes with having a baby. The mum is often flooded with a variety of different hormones and symptoms to contend with which can further send her off balance. Just at the time she wants to be coping and functioning at her best!

What can help…?

Hypnotherapy is useful to support parents to cope better with early parenting. I help you to get out of your fight/flight brain and into your rational intellectual brain. This is where you need to be to cope with life positively. Hypnotherapy supports you to find a new sleeping pattern, and to get back to feeling more focused, positive and in control.

We need to be gentle with ourselves at this demanding time. Self care has never been more important but suddenly there’s no time! Give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding and becoming the parent we want to be, by getting the right support.

If you are struggling, or know someone who is, consider hypnotherapy with me to help you get back into the right mindset. Sometimes we all need a little help to cope. See my reviews to see how I’ve supported others to get to their best self. Hypnotherapy with me is a gentle and positive experience.

We can forget about thinking self care is selfish too. Because when you are caring for yourself you are stronger and happier, and that makes you a better parent. I can help you build your confidence and improve your ability to cope. I’m a mother myself and vividly remember how tough early parenting can be. Please do call me for a free consultation to see how I can help you.